Men Helping Men.
Contact name
Christian Anderson.

MSABC Board Meeting.


Meeting 4-2024 minutes.                                              24th. April 2024.


Present- Jan Fennema, Cliff Irving, Ron Embree, Robert Goluch, Varouj Gumuchian, Randall MacKinnon, Mike Jennings, Chris Staddon.

Agenda item.

  1. The agenda was approved.
  2. The minutes of meeting 3-2024 were approved.
  3. Treasurer’s report

33 paid MSABC member sheds, 25 insured sheds.

Waiting for United way $3500 for in-person Board meeting.

The other sheds do not need insurance since they meet for coffee only.

Approximately $12,669.00 in our account. $9,600 remains for the outreach program.

Smithers Trade Show May 13, 2024 - $1000 includes booth, banner, and business cards.

Cliff has paid out approx. $7700 insurance policies for BSABC member sheds

Cliff will send financial update.


  1. Resignation / board vacancy.

Frank Resing’s resignation was accepted and the board has appointed

Richard Simonson from Allouette Men’s Shed to fill the position until the next AGM.


  1. Smithers Trade Show update.

See treasurer’s report. No further consultation.


  1. Outreach

Outreach to new Burns Lake shed is going well.

Planning Outreach program to Smithers, Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Terrace, and possibly Hazelton before June 15.

According to budget we have $2000 per shed for outreach. Robert said we must do our due diligence regarding expenses. Mike noted that our current cost per new Shed is less than half the cost budgeted, that we have already exceeded our goal by about 50% and we still have over 40% of the budget remaining.

Prince Rupert - contact Martin who is keen to get started. Maybe a zoom (Mike suggested May 13) but Directors feel that Zoom is not as effective as in person. Cliff will speak to his contacts to find out if a later date works


  1. Insurance

It was decided MSABC Directors need insurance at a cost of $535 approved. Mike mentioned that the societies act does offer protection for society members- Liability of members

5   A member of a society is not, in that capacity, liable for a debt or other liability of the society.


  1. Website- No consultation.


  1. It was decided to continue with the strategic plan review, one section per meeting.


  1. MSABC Strategic Plan review.

Item 3e to encourage regional conferences.

Item 3d was done including a visit to Vernon and Cold Lake.


  1. Other business.

Signing Authority, (Continued from meeting 3-2024 item 8)


Motion     Signing authority, remove John Stafford, add Jan Fennema, Cliff Irving and Ron Embree continue as signers for Integris Credit Union Account.  1st Robert  2nd Verouj    Carried

Randall suggested 2 signatures per transaction should occur in future, However, can be complicated. Will investigate other options for future.

Motion 4 Cliff will prepare and send a quarterly treasurers report.

1st Robert 2nd Varouj. Carried.



Have the membership meeting 2 weeks after the board meeting.

Next membership meeting May 1 10am as Jan and Ron will be in Smithers presenting an Outreach Program.

Question arose about who has received the new horizon grant, this will be discussed at membership zoom. Also, the task of writing a newsletter can be taken up with a member not necessarily on the board.



  1. Next board meeting May 29, 2024 at 9 am

Upcoming Event

Please choose the shed you would like to see events for.


No videos have been posted for this shed yet.